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Express Forms is a reliable form building plugin for Craft CMS. It contains every feature available to the native Craft Contact Form plugin and more. It's simple and intuitive to use, and doesn't get in your way if you're wanting to build simple forms or handle your own templating and custom features. It was developed with a "developer first" mentality, so it’s highly extendable. It also contains several built-in popular API integrations. Stop wasting valuable development hours wrestling with alternative form plugins. Express Forms makes form building smooth.

Express Forms Overview Video

Key Features

Compare the key features for Express Forms between Lite and Pro editions. The Lite edition includes all the essentials for creating and managing forms for most websites. Upgrade to Pro edition if you need additional functionality for your forms.

For a full feature comparison to Freeform and the native Craft Contact Form plugin, check out the Compare page!

Unlimited formsCreate and manage as many forms as you need
Unlimited email notifications and template choicesAlmost every conceivable option for sending HTML email(s), all customizable
Email notifications saved as HTML filesSave email notification templates as HTML files, but also manage from directly inside control panel
Beautiful and simplified Form BuilderSimple yet powerful, and easy to use
All basic browser field typesChoose between a variety of regular field types
Upload/attach files to submissionsAllow users to upload files which are validated and stored as Assets
Manage submissionsView, edit, delete or export form submissions
Save submissions to database, or notChoose to store submission data, or never keep it on your site
GDPR compliantAll the tools you need to make your forms GDPR compliant
CSV ExportingExport all submissions for a form as a CSV file
XML, JSON and Excel ExportingExport all submissions for a form as an XML, JSON or Excel file
Built-in Honeypot spam protectionPowerful and effective advanced spam control built right in
reCAPTCHA v2 CheckboxFight spam with reCAPTCHA v2 Checkbox
Clean and simplified templating and available automationFull control with regular Twig/HTML templates to customize layouts
Inline errorsDisplay error messages and validation per field upon submit
Demo templatesJust 1 click and you have an example form and a real-world set of working templates
Basic permission controlsBasic user group and user permission controls for each section of plugin
Developer-friendlyExtensive developer events for all your needs
TranslatableTranslate fields for front end with translation files
Popular CRM API integrationsCurrently includes Salesforce Lead, Salesforce Opportunity and HubSpot
Popular Mailing List API integrationsCurrently includes MailChimp, Campaign Monitor, and Constant Contact
Dashboard WidgetsIncludes a dashboard widget that displays stats for your form submissions
Rename pluginRename the plugin name (throughout CP) to whatever you like



Plus $29/year after one year.

Installation Instructions

To install this plugin, copy the command above to your terminal.

Active Installs
Craft 3, Craft 4
Last release
February 13, 2024
Activity (30 days)
Closed Issues
Open Issues
Merged PRs
Open PRs